Booking & Payment

How can I place a booking?

The quickest and easiest way to place a booking is on our website, simply select the items and or packages you wish to hire, add them to your booking, once you are ready to checkout make sure to follow the prompts, alternatively you can also call or email to place a booking.

Can I place a booking in store?

Yes, you are more than welcome to arrange an appointment with our team and come into our warehouse/showroom to check out the items and place a booking in-store.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, and Cash Payments to secure in any booking. Please note we DO NOT accept any cash payments for the Rental Bond and this must be done on a valid Debit/Credit Card at the time of the pickup from our warehouse.

Is there a rental bond?

Yes, there is a bond on all Warehouse pickups, a $100 bond is applicable on the majority of bookings, however some bookings with high value equipment such as DJ equipment may have a $200 bond which must be paid in-store at the time of the pickup via a debit/credit card, no cash payments will be accepted. This bond covers fees associated with cleaning, liquid detection labels activated and late return fees only, additional fees will apply for any lost or damaged equipment. No bond is applicable for bookings with a delivery option however a debit/credit card must still be issued to the delivery driver on the delivery day which will be kept on file for the duration of the hire.

How does the rental bond work?

The rental bond is pre-authorized at the time of the pickup of the equipment using a Debit or Credit Card on our system. The rental bond amount depending on your booking and value is put "on hold" or "frozen" on your card for the duration of the hire. (This will appear in your statement as a pending transaction)

When your booking is returned on time and in the condition it was received, our team will let your bank know to release that rental bond.

Depending on your bank this may take up to 5 business days for your bank to release the funds once we have notified them. Once the bank has released the funds any evidence of this transaction in your account will disappear.

Delivery & Collection

Do you deliver to my area?

Click to view our Delivery and Collection Zone, if you are located outside of this zone, Contact Us to see if we can arrange a delivery and collection service for you.

What day will my delivery and collection occur?

Please view all of our Delivery & Collection options along with the descriptions of each service that is available. We do have multiple delivery and collection options to suit your event bump in and out requirements.

What time will my delivery and collection occur?

All deliveries and collection will occur within our standard business hours unless booked otherwise.

Do I need to be present at the time of the delivery?

Yes, someone must be present at the time of the delivery. This person must be over the age of 18 years old and be able to sign off on our Terms & Conditions of Hire along with providing the following credentials,

- A valid Australian Drivers Licence or Proof of Identity Card (Passports or International Drivers Lincence's will NOT be accepted)
- A valid Debit or Credit Card, which will be placed on file with the booking for the duration of the hire (Digital copies or images will not be accepted and a physical card MUST be presented at the time of the delivery to fulfil our Terms & Conditions of Hire)

Do I need to be present at the time of the collection?

It is recommended that someone is present at the time of the collection however if you are not able to be on-site at the nominated collection day and time frame scheduled please make sure to notify our staff and provide us with a written form of authorized access to the property, we recommend that the equipment is left in a safe and secure location as you will still be liable as part of our Terms & Conditions of Hire until all of the items have been successfully collected by our team.

Warehouse Pickup & Return

When can I pickup my booking?

Your booking will be ready for pickup during our opening hours on your event date.
If we are closed on your event date, your pickup will automatically be assigned for a day prior which we are open at no additional charge ofcourse. Click to view our Opening Hours.

When do I need to return my booking?

If you have a booking with a single night hire, this will be due back for return on our next operating day after your event date.
If you have a 2-3 night or 1-week hire booking, your return date will be determined by the hire period selected when placing your booking. 
In all instances, our staff will also notify you at the time of your delivery or warehouse pickup when your booking will be collected or due back for return.

What do I need to provide when picking up my booking?

In order to pick up your booking from our warehouse, you must provide the following credentials,

1. A booking number or your full name which is listed on your booking
2. A valid Australian Drivers Licence or Proof of Identity Card (Passports & International Drivers Licences will NOT be accepted)
3. A recent Statement or Utility Bill which is within 90 days and proving your current address on your Drivers Licence or Proof of Identity Card provided above.
4. A valid Debit or Credit Card which will be placed on file with your booking for the duration of the hire (Digital copies or images of this card will not be accepted and a physical card MUST be presented at the time of the pickup to fulfil our Terms & Conditions of Hire)


Can I send a friend or a family member to pickup my booking?

Yes, a friend or family member will be able to pick up your booking on your behalf however it is important to let them know our Terms & Conditions of Hire and ensure they are aware that they will be,
- Taking full responsibility for the equipment for the duration of the hire
- Signing off on our Terms & Conditions of Hire
- Providing all the necessary documentation (Drivers Licence or Proof of Identity Card, Statement or Utility Bill, Debit or Credit Card)
A friend or family member can also return your booking on your behalf, just make sure they have your booking number or name along with our address and opening hours.